Thursday, 5 May 2011

Compare and Contrast between a Mums and Dads

We all are asked a question in some or the other stage of our lives that whom do we like or love better our mum or dad? Well, how can someone answer that?  I think we cannot pick anyone of our parents generally. They are completely different, like you can never pick from either one of your hands.
We can’t pick one from them but there are many similarities and differences. Dads are always the ones with cool ideas for places to go and stuff to do. But dads are again the ones that push you deep and don’t appreciate you without insulting. Dad would always degrade you to the limit and then when they make sure that you got their point they just give a smile. They are the best at bringing out the best in you. Your dad is the one who teaches you how to be responsible for your pencil sharpener to your life. They are the support that you need to grow up to be a confident person in a public place. They are the ones you teach you to fight both verbally and physically. But sometimes they are the one who can make you go lazy. That’s where the mums step in. Although a mother has the bigger role in bringing you up as a better person but the mothers work on you is always hidden by the little and obvious things that your dad teaches you.
The mums are the Wikipedia/Encyclopedia of your life. You can look up in that book for any question’s answer and without doubt you will find your answer. The mums are the ones that teach you how to eat drink sit stand walk and talk. They are the ones who teach how to behave as a human. They are the ones who know you from your head to toe. They know you better than you know yourself.  Mums are the one who lie down beside when you’re sick knowing that you might just vomit, but they will be there by your side from keeping you scared of vomiting on the middle of the night. Mums are the one who get worried for you even if it’s a small paper cut. They are the ones who know your choice way better than anyone else and they are the ones who never mind anything you say to them. They are the only females who accept you and love you the way you are. Where as you will never be able to find out how much your dad loves you until one day he says ‘I am proud of you’.
The biggest similarity between them is that they love you UNCONDITIONALLY!
And I say that again, you can’t pick any one from them.

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