‘Tangled’ is a Disney movie whose story revolves around a girl named Rapunzel who has very long enchanted golden hair. She was kidnapped when she was an infant by a witch named Gothel who kept her up in a tower away from the world. She grew up there to be a beautiful teenage girl and wishes to discover the world outside and experience the floating lights she sees from her towers window every year on her birth day. She is actually a princess, so the king and queen light the flying lights into the air with a thought that someday they will find her back.
One day a wanted thief Eugene steals the princess’s crown and runs from the guards and hides the tower. That’s where they both meet and she makes a deal with him to help her go see the lights.
Their journey through out is interesting fun filled and hilarious. Watch the movie to know more about the fun they had and how Rapunzel finds the reality of her life.
Making a thesis is not a really difficult job. One key aspect of any thesis is how well the question is answered.